European Championship In Old School Magic 93/94 and Pre-Modern Universal Championship

Save the date: 27th to 29th of June 2025 - Darmstadt, Germany

A big magic weekend with all the formats we love.

we love pizza hawai!

Weekend Timetable

Friday, 27.06.2025

Meet up small oldschool and pre-modern team event.

Saturday, 28.06.2025

11:00 European Oldschool Championship
Full Swedish
Entry fee 40 Eur

10:30 Hessian Pre-Modern Championship
Entry Fee 40 Eur (fee added to price pool)

Sunday, 29.06.2025

10:00 Universal Championship Pre-Modern
Entry Fee 40 Eur (fee is donated to charity)
Cool prices for Top 16

10:30 Oldschool Team Worldcup
Entry Fee 40 Eur
Team Unified - 3 Players, just one Lotus
All reprints with old Artwork are allowed
Cool Prices for Top 4

+++ Old School starting 27th of June at 11:00am +++

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!
Magicans, Mages, Lords and Ladies, listen to me! At the weekend of the 27th to 29th of June 2025, we will host the 2st Annual European Championship In Old School Magic. This challanging tournament will be held in the masterclass of ancient spells, it will be a full swedish experience.
The winner of the old school battle will continue his journey at n00bcon 2026, to fight for the shark, honor and glory. Expect a magic battle of seven rounds swiss, followed by a breathtaking top 8. Rounds in the swiss are 50 minutes. The top 8 is un-timed, but expected to be played at a reasonable pace.

Are you willing to take this challenge? Sign up and show up at the event, show us the power of your spells in combat with the best spellcasters from all across europe.

Pre-Modern Universal Championship

+++ Pre-Modern Universal Championship starting 29th of June at 10:30am +++

Friends of the modern ages, listen! Show your skills in a battle with the weird forces of pre-modern ages. Expect a magic battle of eigth rounds swiss, followed by a breathtaking top 8. Rounds in the swiss are 50 minutes. The top 8 is un-timed, but expected to be played at a reasonable pace.

Are you willing to take this challenge? Sign up and show up at the event, other challangers are waiting for you. Proove that you can use proper magic and powerful speels in the arena.

The Arena

The venue for all events days is located at:

Hotel Contel
Otto-Röhm-Str 90
64293 Darmstadt

You won't die hungry, the venue has a restaurant. Food ala carte and brewerage are available for a small fee.

Rules Of The Ancient Games

Legal Sets

The Gathering: Alpha, Beta and Unlimited Edition
Expansions: Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, and The Dark

Limited (Restricted) cards

Ancestral Recall
Black Lotus
Chaos Orb
Demonic Tutor
Library of Alexandria
Time Walk
Wheel of Fortune
Mana Drain
Mind Twist
Mishra's Workshop
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Sol Ring
Strip Mine

The main tournament will NOT be played for Ante; hence any cards that use the Ante mechanic are banned from being played.


Chaos Orb

Chaos Orb (2)
1, Tap: Choose a nontoken permanent on the battlefield. If Chaos Orb is on the battlefield, flip Chaos Orb onto the battlefield from a height of at least one foot. If Chaos Orb turns over completely at least once during the flip, and touches the chosen permanent, destroy that permanent. Then destroy Chaos Orb.

Rules Of The Pre-Modern Games

This event will be held according to the rules of the pre-modern council. Please be aware that we expect real wizards of the five colors to participate.

Questions Asked

Rule enforcement?

We play using the current comp rules, nothing added or removed. The rule enforcement level is "Don't be a douche". It is very close to REL-Competative. Notable exceptions from REL-Professional:

Reprints and alters?

Artist alterations of cards in legal sets are ok as long as you can read the full name of the card and its mana cost. Just make sure that your opponent knows what cards you are playing. The three first printings of The Gathering are legal; 1st Edition "Alpha", 1st Edition "Beta", and 2nd Edition "Unlimited". Due to popular demand, the 1994 summer printings of The Gathering 3rd Edition distributed in Ireland and Tenesse (populary known as "Summer Magic" or "Edgar") are also legal.
The decks cannot contain "proxie cards" of any sort.


Questions? Send an em@il to [email protected]

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